
Seventh-day Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope in Jesus.

Discover more about our Church and its global mission.

Amaran Williams

Amaran Williams


Purpose: Serving the global church in proclaiming the everlasting gospel and preparing for our soon-coming Lord.

Focus: Evangelism and Church growth – keeping pastors ever faithful in ministry

Our Work

In the Inter-American Division  (IAD), The Caribbean Union has the third-highest number of ministerial workers.  Our pastors are encouraged to pursue their call in the context of a committed relationship with Christ. It is this understanding that makes the call to the sacred work of the ministry meaningful and compelling. The Bible workers (religious educators) are an integral part of the ministerial family, and they work side by side with our pastors to fulfil the gospel commission. 

The CARU Ministerial Association exists to equip and support the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) pastoral family to realize the three spiritual qualifications of the pastoral calling

  • A personal call from Christ. 
  • A personal relationship with Christ.
  • Personal empowerment by Christ.

The department also focuses on training for local church elders which helps to deepen the synergy and working relationship between pastors and elders. The department also works with the University of the Southern Caribbean to ensure ministerial graduates’ skills are more aligned with today’s challenges. 

Its work includes 

  • Spiritual and Emotional support for pastors and their families.
  • Provide support and nurture for ministers to endure the rigours of Gospel ministry.
  • Encourage and support local fields to create avenues for spiritual health and emotional growth such as pastoral retreats and other programs.
  • Facilitate pastoral staff development.
  • Providing resources for ministry delivery to meet the needs of the membership in today’s changing and challenging times.

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